Business Coaches Weigh In with Their Missing Advice

Part of success is learning from the experience of others and taking their advice. While everyone may have an opinion, experienced-based advice can be invaluable when starting a new business. While you can find plenty of advice online, it’s difficult to know if you’ve missed something. 

I’ve asked business coaches from around the world for an answer to an important question:

“What advice do you wish you’d received when starting a business?”

Know Your Niche
“Knowing your niche makes it easier to promote your business and to design your promotional materials, website, and social media. Knowing your niche narrows your focus to target those who will gain the most from what you do best.”
Susan Morris, M.Ed., CPCC, ACC, Certified Professional Coach, Personal Growth Speaker | Susan Morris Coaching

We’d love to add your expert opinion here too! Please reach out to us with your answer to this question:

“What advice do you wish you’d received when starting a business?”

Contact us today to contribute your answer!